Numerology Oracle Cards
I offer both in person and virtual/distant Oracle Readings as well as email readings.

In the Numerology Guidance Cards, and numerology in general, every number between 1 and 9 has several meanings and a color vibration. For example:
- (Red) New Beginnings, Individuality, Leadership, The Self
- (Orange) Patience, Intuition, Partnership, Emotions
- (Yellow) Creativity, Communication, Self-Expression, Joy
- (Green) Perseverance, Environment, Discipline, Stability
- (Turquoise) Change, Adventure, Life Experience, Opportunity
- (Blue) Love, Healing, Relationships, Family, Home
- (Violet) Personal Growth, Spirituality, Health, Study, Solitude
- (Pink) Manifestation, Abundance, Leadership, Career
- (Purple) Completion, Compassion, Forgiveness, Humanitarianism
When you’re in need of answers and direction, these cards bridge the gap between your inner wisdom and the “universal wisdom of All That Is” through the ancient energy of numbers. In Western Pythagorean numerology, numbers are energy vibrations that significantly influence your life. Aside from those in your “Personal Numerology Profile” (offered in another listing), the numbers that are currently influencing your life the most will show up in these cards. Through the universal Law of Attraction, you will automatically draw the ones that are a direct vibrational match to your current situation.
Based on your current thoughts and behaviors, the Numerology Guidance Cards will also uncover any conscious or subconscious blocks that are impeding the manifestation of your goals. Once these blocks have been identified and removed, you can begin to improve your life and actualize your dreams.
This card deck wasn’t designed to predict your future but rather to help you create the future you desire. Since one of the key ingredients for successful manifestation via the Law of Attraction is to live in consistent alignment with Source Energy (or the Universe, the Divine, or whatever term you wish to use) through positive thought and emotion, the cards will point out the areas in your life that may be taking you out of alignment. Once these areas have been identified and aligned, you will be well on your way to manifesting your dreams.
I offer the following options:
1 Card Reading – You ask a specific question to the Universe and I will use my oracle deck to provide you guidance.
3 Card Reading – You ask a specific question to the Universe and I will use my oracle deck to provide you guidance. The first position card represents the current situation. The second position card represents the action that is required to achieve the outcome you desire. The third position card represents the final outcome, should you follow the second card.
5 Card Reading – The first position card represents the current situation. The second position card represents your expectations. The third position card represents hidden influences. The forth position card represents the card for advise. The fifth position card represents the final outcome, should you follow the path provided in the previous cards.
12 Monthly Card Reading – I will provide you with the 12 cards that I have pulled for you that represent what you should be focusing on each month. You will receive all 12 card readings at one time and though there are 99 cards in the deck, may include repeat cards based on each pull within the reading.
A specific question is something like “What do I need to work on to restore my health/get a better job/manifest abundance/attract a love relationship?”, “What do I need to do to improve my quality of life?”, “What do I need to focus on today/this week/this month/this year?”
Distant Readings, will be done via Google Meet.
Google Meet prices, which includes time to discuss the card(s) pulled and/or as many cards pulled as time allows.
Google Meet Reading Prices
15 Minute Session – $30
30 Minute Session – $55
60 Minute Session – $90
In Person Readings, which includes time to discuss the card(s) pulled and/or as many cards pulled as time allows.
15 Minute Session – $40
30 Minute Session – $65
60Minute Session – $100
Your path to Abundance and Holistic Healing starts here.

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