The Spirit Animal Oracle Cards
I offer both in person and virtual/distant Oracle Readings as well as email readings.

What makes these card so powerful is that nature is the long-lost instrument of divine communication and expression that has lain hidden in plain sight since time began. The essence of Spirit is always guiding us, always ready to communicate wisdom, quite often through sentient beings and signs in nature. All animals and insects—whether two- or multilegged, feathered or finned, from water, earth, or sky—have the potential to deliver a special message aligned with your authentic need, arriving at just the right time and place.
The spirits residing in the natural world have much to share, and the secrets of their forgotten language are now available to you through The Spirit Animal Oracle. They urge us to reclaim our essential Truth–that we are one in Spirit, connected to every living thing on this earth in a unified consciousness. With the draw of a card, you can share in this wisdom and better navigate your life, move beyond the obstacles of your perceived limitations, and tune in to your infinite potential.
Every oracle has a lexicon, or matrix, through which communication works. Just as the many letters in the alphabet can be combined in different ways to form words and sentences that convey meaning, so too is there a system that allows an oracle to “speak.” The language of an oracle system is images, symbols, and metaphors. Think of the saying “a picture is worth a thousand words”; the same is true when you use this oracle deck to receive messages from Spirit.
The messages are delivered through synchronicity; that is, through meaningful coincidence—a phenomenon that can’t be explained by logic. Synchronicities remind us that the fabric of reality is governed not just by the laws of science and intellect but also by a Great Mystery that shows us evidence of its underlying “mechanics” even as it withholds understanding, for not all is meant to be known in this lifetime. Trust and Faith in the Unseen is not rational, but this is what we must do if we are to align with the mystical side of life. Figuring out our plan, using our brains to help us fathom the past and strategize about the future, is of some value. But we forget that as humans, we have an unquantifiable soul and heart, each always connected to the wisdom of Spirit. We must learn to honor the spirit side of life and the gifts we receive that cannot be explained through logic. Only then will we remember our true nature as spiritual beings who are part of a vast network of souls and spirits woven together in the tapestry of life.
I offer the following options:
1 Card Reading – You ask a specific question to the Universe and I will use my oracle deck to provide you guidance.
2 Card Reading – You ask a specific question to the Universe and I will use my oracle deck to provide you guidance. The first position card anchors us in the dominant thought or concept to pay attention to. The second position card tells us what to do for our next right action.
3 Card Reading – You ask a specific question to the Universe and I will use my oracle deck to provide you guidance. The first position card answers “What do I need to know about this situation for my highest good?” The second position card answers “What is my next right action to stay in alignment with my highest intentions?” The third position card answers “Where could this evolve if I remain on this path?”
7 Card New Moon Reading – Please note, each month only has one new moon. I do limit the number of these reading as I can only complete them on the day of the new moon. This reading will guide you through the entire month to the next new moon. The first position card pertains to each of the following subjects: survival, money, tangible assets, and work. The second position card pertains to each of the following subjects intimate relationships, family dynamics, friendships and your tribe. The third position card pertains to each of the following subjects your personal power, self-worth and how you show up in the world. The forth position card pertains to each of the following subjects deeper connections to life, healing past patterns and support for overall well-being and happiness. The fifth position card pertains to each of the following subjects communication, being heard, owning your voice and how you say who you are to others. The sixth position card pertains to each of the following subjects imagination, vision and creativity. The seventh position card pertains to each of the following subjects intuition, spirituality and your relationship to a Higher Power.
A specific question is something like “What do I need to know about my relationship with John Smith?”, “What is keeping me from moving forward?”, “What do I need to know about my job interview?”
Distant Readings, will be done via Google Meet.
Google Meet prices, which includes time to discuss the card(s) pulled and/or as many cards pulled as time allows.
Google Meet Reading Prices
15 Minute Session – $30
30 Minute Session – $55
60 Minute Session – $90
In Person Readings, which includes time to discuss the card(s) pulled and/or as many cards pulled as time allows.
15 Minute Session – $40
30 Minute Session – $65
60Minute Session – $100
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